Thursday, January 14, 2010

202 days to go

     I have no patience for computer programs which take what seems like forever to load.  My patience is zilch when I have ideas trying to burst out of my head and I have no way of putting them to paper(computer). My computer always seems to know when I need to be writing because it decides to launch some program which is checking  another program for mistakes.  Then of course, there is the anti-virus program which is supposed to run in the background, protecting me against bad programs which will make my computer run slower than it already does. Slow computers are similar to bad customer service.  We want fast computers and expect better customer service but we think we are paying too much for both.
     On day 204, I wrote about patience or the lack of. When I told my wife about this blog, she said that perhaps I was not writing of patience but being intolerant of a lack of customer service.
      Everyone has experienced bad customer service: grocery stores with long check out lines with only three cashiers, doctors who were late for an appointment or getting something done at the mechanic and when you got the car home, you still had the same problem but you were five hundred dollars leaner!
     There are some things we can't change.  County governments are getting less money and the taxpayers are getting less service.  Not paying taxes might save you money for a little while.  But hungry governments always seem to find who has been bad.  But we can question our local governments and ask where our tax dollars are going.  And if something does not sound right, then ask your government officials to explain. And keep pressing until they tell you.  Somehow the ones we elect into office forget who voted them in and why.  "Did I promise that?  I don't recall saying that."
     You can frequent stores which give you better customer service.  It may mean you have to drive a little further but your blood pressure will thank you. For the stores that will not serve you the way you want, complain to the manager or if the company is larger, work your way up the flagpole. Someone will listen or if you really want to still deal with the store, you could complain to an on-line site. Bad press is not wanted by any store which wants to stay in business.
      Please dear readers, tell me if getting older has made you more or less patient.  Has the customer service gotten better or worse or is it just because you have gotten older? Have you ever gotten mad as hell and said you would not take it anymore? What did you do to get "IT" right?

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